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TTR503A矢量網絡分析儀是一種電氣測試儀器,它使用已知的連續波 (CW) 信號來測量射頻 (RF) 和微波器件、系統和子系統在設計和制造應用中的幅度和相位響應。它是幫助制造無線設備的重要測試工具。


TTR503A矢量網絡分析儀Legendary support and quality meets ease-of-use and affordability. The Tektronix TTR500 series 2-port, 2-path VNA is our latest breakthrough - an unmatched combination of measurement performance and convenience. Get the power to make everyday measurements with the accuracy and confidence you expect from Tektronix, all without breaking your budget.

Key performance specifications

  • 100 kHz to 6 GHz frequency range
  • > 122 dB dynamic range
  • -50 to +7 dBm output power
  • < 0.008 dB RMS trace noise

Key features

  • Full 2-port 2-path S-parameter measurement (S11, S21, S12, S22) in a variety of formats.
  • Complete vector network analysis capability with Tektronix VectorVu-PC™ software.
  • Built-in bias tee accessible on both ports to bias active devices.
  • Application programming interface (API) for Microsoft Windows environment and LabView driver.
  • Robust SCPI command interface (compatible with current VNA models) to optimize code migration.
  • Touchstone file support (import/export) for use with Electronic Design Automation (EDA) simulation tools.
  • Offline simulation mode for analysis of S-parameter files when disconnected from the instrument.
  • Industry-leading three year warranty.


  • Antenna matching and tuning
  • RF component design and validation
  • Education

Benchtop performance at a fraction of the cost

The TTR500 offers industry-leading price and performance. With more than 122 dB dynamic range and less than 0.008 dB RMS trace noise, the TTR500 has performance similar to expensive, conventional benchtop VNAs.





Compact and transportable: Take test where you need it

Gone are the days when you had to roll a cart with a heavy, shared VNA. Weighing under 3.5 lbs (1.59 kg), the TTR500 has a form factor small enough to fit in a briefcase. With a price tag to match, you can put a VNA on every engineering bench to improve efficiency and uptime. In a classroom, students can get hands-on experience with industry standard test instrumentation.





Performance, size, reliability, affordability - choose four

The TTR500A series VNA includes an impressive array of technological and patented advances that allowed us to bend many of the traditional trade-offs between RF performance, size, reliability, and cost.

Performance: Inside the VNA is a tightly integrated, single-board design. At its core lies a proprietary ASIC that implements all of the transmitting and receiving functions. Along with decades of experience in RF front-end and shielding design, this integration allowed us to implement advanced DSP and patented error correction techniques that dramatically improve measurement accuracy and dynamic range.





Convenience: Traditional benchtop VNAs have a computer inside that typically becomes obsolete by the time the product hits the market. Our architecture enables significant improvements in size, cost, and reliability by communicating over USB to your PC, while adding additional benefits and convenience. For example, run VectorVu-PC with other applications, share data seamlessly, and save individual application setups on your PC when multiple users share the TTR500.

Size: A compact single-board design without heavy input and display components allows the TTR500 to pack a lot of powerful functionality in a tablet-sized frame. Store it in a drawer, pack it in your briefcase, or carry it on a plane. Take quality test and measurement technology wherever you need it.

Reliability: In addition to reduced part count, integration on a singleboard consumes less energy than traditional benchtop VNAs. The board generates less heat, resulting in lower component stresses and higher reliability. A fanless design provides a quieter operation. We back all of this with a three year warranty.

Affordability: With fewer parts and an integrated design, we created a handheld VNA that delivers traditional benchtop performance and convenience at an unrivaled price. Why settle for less?

Integrated bias tee for active devices

Use the built-in bias tee (standard in both models) to provide a DC bias to active devices without the expense and complication of external circuitry. Power the bias tee directly through BNC connectors on the rear panel.





Complete line of affordable accessories

To simplify shopping for the complete VNA solution, Tektronix offers a range of accessories for high-accuracy measurements. Select from calibration kits, phase-stable cables, adapters, attenuators, rackmount, rugged carry case, and a training kit. See Ordering information for a full list of available accessories.





Full 2-port 2-path S-parameter measurements





An independent RF source and three RF receivers for each port of the TTR500 enable you to take high-accuracy magnitude and phase measurements with a 1-port or 2-port device under test (DUT). Use the TTR500 to perform complete S11, S12, S21, and S22measurements of the DUT and display data in a variety of formats (see measurement functionality table).

VectorVu-PC measurement functionality

Sweep typesMeasured parameters
S11, S12, S21, S22
Absolute receiver level
Data display formatsChannel/trace functions
Logarithmic magnitude 
Linear magnitude 
Expanded phase 
Group delay 
Smith chart 
Up to 16 channels 
Up to 16 traces/channel 
Up to 9 markers/trace + reference marker 
Memory math 
Save/load state, calibration, and trace data
Response (Reflection/Transmission) 
Enhanced response 
Full 1-port SOL 
Full 2-port SOLT 
- Defined thru 
- Unknown thru 
User-defined calibration kit
SCPI command

Rapid measurement and analysis with VectorVu-PC

VectorVu-PC (available as free download) features an industry-standard interface that minimizes the learning curve so you have more time to test your design. The software delivers a traditional look and feel to control and calibrate the instrument, while providing touchscreen compatibility for Windows PC, laptop, or tablet. For automated test systems, we include a SCPI programming interface that is compatible with common legacy VNAs. A LabView driver is also available for analysis and control. See the TTR500 programmer manual for more information.





Offline simulation mode for convenient data analysis

VectorVu-PC features a simulation mode to analyze S-parameter data when disconnected from the TTR500. Capture measurements at the test site and analyze the data anywhere. Share it with your team or class when access to the TTR500 is limited.

Compatibility with EDA simulation tools

VectorVu-PC supports the Touchstone (S1P, S2P) file format to import and export S-parameter data in the simulation mode. You can also share data in this format with common EDA simulation tools.

Tektronix: A name you can trust

For over 70 years, Tektronix has delivered industry-leading solutions to the people who drive technological progress. We maintain unrivaled standards of quality, reliability, service, and support with every product, like free access to our Technical Support Centers around the world.




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